Posts tagged black
Automatic Drawing Post 4

It's been 10 weeks again, and I've made another lot of automatic drawings, this is where I sit down and draw without thinking about what I'm going to draw. Now, I know what your thinking isn't that just doodling... well your right but Automatic Drawing is the fancy/hipstery way to say it.

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Automatic Drawing Post 3

It's been 10 weeks again, and I've made another lot of automatic drawings, this is where I sit down and draw without thinking about what I'm going to draw. Now, I know what your thinking isn't that just doodling... well your right but Automatic Drawing is the fancy/hipstery way to say it.

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Black God Pop Art

Yay, I’ve finally made my way to a series I really loved called “Black God” which is actually a…

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Darker Than Black Pop Art

Here’s yet another throwback to an older anime series that probably not many people remember/have watched Darker than…

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