Michiko and Hatchin Pop Art
Michiko and Hatchin Pop Art
Featuring… oddly enough Michiko and Hatchin
Another anime I really enjoyed was “Michiko and Hatchin” it’s a great story about a rough gangster girl “Michiko” kind of kidnapping a girl “Hatchin” from her adopted family (they were awful like Harry Potters Dursley awful) and tries to reunite Hatchin with her real dad. Mind you Michiko is only using Hatchin as an excuse to find the father because they are ex-lovers and feels the best course of action is to drag a small girl through gang-controlled areas in South America (mother of the year she is not). Usually, I try and write a more sarcastic and condescending text to accompany my drawings but I can’t really think of much for this one its honestly a great series and I can’t think of much to pick at without looking petty (well pettier then normal). So anyways here is a pop art image of Michiko and Hatchin referencing the cover of volume 9 of the DVD collection.
Maybe share this with any of your friends that like a road trip story especially ones involving drugs and gang’s ore who like anything made by Manglobe e.g Samurai Champloo.