Erased Pop Art


Erased Pop Art

Featuring Satora and Kayo

Erased is probably one of my top animes, it has an amazing suspenseful story, full of mystery and thrilling elements and if you have not seen the series I highly recommend checking out the series, especially if you enjoy murder mysteries with butterfly effect styled time travel. By far my favourited part of the series is how it makes you think about your own childhood and how you didn’t understand the world around you the way you understand it as an adult, how things were a lot darker at the time then you could comprehend. For this image I used the main image you see of Satoru and Kayo associated with the series except a large luggage box as a thinly veiled metaphor for the baggage we carry through life, and the imagery of a leafless tree which I thought was an important piece of imagery used in the series to show the world was a more magical place when you were young… as you can probably tell I really loved this series.

Why not show this to anyone else you know that enjoyed the series, as well have a conversation about times from your own childhood.


I know this post is a bit more serious than my other stuff, but don’t worry the next image I post will be from Akiba’s Trip which is about people tearing clothes off vampires so they explode in the sunlight...